The Conservatory of Hope Read online

Page 16

  Looking around, Caroline was humiliated to see the number of people who had witnessed this cut. When Mr Darcy finished speaking, he turned towards the jewelry shop down the street. He walked away, his head held high, smiling inside from the sobs he heard coming from Caroline Bingley.

  Though the encounter with Miss Bingley had somewhat dampened his shopping trip, Mr Darcy was quickly restored to his previous joyfulness as he shopped for some pieces of jewelry he would present to his ladies. A special order was placed for a gift that Darcy prayed he would soon be able to give Elizabeth.

  He purchased a simple pearl choker with earbobs for each of his ladies, and then a sapphire necklace for Georgiana. For Elizabeth, he purchased a simple garnet cross. She had told him of the cross that her father had given her for her two and ten birthday. That necklace was her favorite, and she wore it daily until after her wedding, when Bentley snatched it from her neck and took it away. Elizabeth had asked for her necklace after she had recovered at Rosings. It caused both her and her father a great deal of pain to learn of its loss. Darcy planned to give the necklace to Mr Bennet to gift his daughter.

  The last shop that Darcy entered sold some of the finest accessories for ladies. There were hair combs, brush sets, hair pins, handkerchiefs, and more. Everything that Darcy saw reminded him of either Georgiana or Elizabeth, and making his selections was difficult for him. Finally, after making a large purchase of items that would be sent to Netherfield, Darcy felt he was finished for the day. He walked the short distance to Darcy House and searched out Mr Bennet as soon as he arrived.

  Once he found Mr Bennet, in the library as he listened to his brother in law reading aloud, Mr Darcy informed him of his purchases. A single tear escaped down the cheek of the elder man. “I will pay you for making this purchase for me.” Mr Bennet said as his fingers glided over the cross that Darcy had handed him. Mr Phillips examined the piece and was amazed at the similarity to Elizabeth’s former cross.

  “Elizabeth had sketched what it looked like when she stayed at Pemberley. I knew how precious it was to her, as she would always have tears when she reached her hand to her neck to find it not there. And Mr Bennet, there is no need to pay me for the purchase. It is an honor to be able to do this for you.”

  The use of her Christian name did not go unnoticed to Elizabeth’s father and uncle. Mr Phillips decided it was time to speak with the young man who was besotted with Elizabeth. “What are your plans for the future, Mr Darcy?”

  “I will remain at Netherfield upon our return to the neighborhood. There is no hurry for my return to my estate, as my steward is quite capable.” “And what do you plan to do while at Netherfield? It is not hunting season, and spring is a long ways away.”

  “But Bingley will require assistance in his preparation for the planting, and my sister is enjoying her stay at Netherfield.”

  “And what are your intentions towards my niece, Mr Darcy?” “As I have told her, my intentions are to court her, with the ultimate result of marrying her. I love Eliz…Miss Elizabeth, and I wish to make her happy. I know that her husband’s death should be respected with a mourning period, but I do not feel that it is important, in this case. She does not remember the man, and if she did, she would not be mourning his loss. I will take as much time as is necessary for her to know me, to feel safe with me, and to know that she means the world to me.”

  Being the responsible legal expert in the family, Mr Phillips continued. “And, if my niece chooses to marry you, what do you have to offer her?” Darcy excused himself from the library, with a promise to return shortly. Upon his return, he handed some papers to Mr Phillips. “I had my solicitor draw this up, for I wish to be prepared for the day that Elizabeth agrees to marry me. Please read and inform me if you agree.”

  Mr Phillips read the marriage contract aloud so that Mr Bennet was aware of the contents. It discussed settling the sum of forty thousand on Elizabeth, her funds from Bentley were hers and Darcy would have no say in how Elizabeth was to use them. There were provisions made for any potential children if they were blessed to have any. And Elizabeth would have substantial pin money each month to cover her needs. Darcy’s homes were well managed by the housekeepers, and Elizabeth would only need to take on any tasks that she wished to. There was also a paragraph with regards that Elizabeth would always be able to live at Pemberley or Darcy House, after Darcy’s death.

  Once the contract was read, Mr Phillips and Mr Bennet had a great deal more respect for the young man who was so devoted to their Lizzy. “Mr Darcy, with the incredible amount that Elizabeth will be bringing with her, there will be no need to give her such a settlement. And that you want nothing of her inheritance from Bentley is astonishing. Most men would have gladly taken hold of those funds.”

  “I have no need for the money she receives as Bentley’s widow. I believe that Elizabeth has earned the right to use the funds however she wishes. As to the settlement, it is what she deserves. The pin money, well, she will need new clothing and accessories, as well as other items. I wish for her to know that she does not need to ask for my approval for her to make purchases.”

  “Darcy, you are a remarkable young man. I pray that all the young men who fall in love with my daughters are as caring and considerate as you are.” Mr Bennet said. “I must say, Bingley is truly in love with my Jane. It is a blessing, as Jane is such a sweet young lady and it would be easy for someone to take advantage of her.”

  “You will never need to fear Bingley; he is as good natured as your eldest daughter. There is more chance of their being taken advantage of by their servants.” Darcy laughed.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 16 Georgiana enjoyed staying at Longbourn while her brother was in London. She had become friends with Kitty while they were at Rosings and being close in age, they found a great many things in common. Though Kitty did not share Georgiana’s love of music, they both enjoyed art. Kitty had quite a talent at sketching, and the two girls spent much of their time talking of techniques and their favorite items to sketch. For Kitty, she had a passion for sketching people, and for Georgiana, it was scenery.

  Elizabeth loved watching the two young ladies working on their tasks. One day, she entered the drawing room to find Georgiana and Kitty sitting on the floor, working on a portrait. As soon as she was noticed, the girls hid their work and insisted she leave the room. Curious, Elizabeth asked what they were up to. “Oh, Lizzy, we are working on a gift for Mr Darcy. His birthday is March first and Georgiana had a plan of something we could make for him. But it is to be a surprise, so you cannot see it.”

  “I promise not to tell him, Kitty.” “No, Elizabeth, I made Kitty promise that it would be a surprise to everyone.” Georgiana said. “It is rare that I am able to surprise my brother, so I do not want to give him any ideas of what I am giving him this year.”

  Laughing, Elizabeth agreed to leave. The weather was mild, and the sun was shining brightly, so Elizabeth decided to take a walk in the garden. There was a thin layer of snow on the ground, glistening in the sunlight. Smiling, Elizabeth closed her eyes and remembered being in the garden in her childhood. She had always found nature to be soothing to her, and, she was pleased to see, that aspect of her life had not changed.

  Walking to a nearby bench, Elizabeth took a seat and breathed in the cool air. This was like a balm to her confused mind. With all that was missing from her life, it brought her pleasure to finally find something had remained nearly the same as she had remembered. So caught up in her joy, she did not hear the light footsteps approaching her.

  When a hand lightly touched her shoulder, Elizabeth startled and stood up. “Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth.” The voice she would know anywhere pleaded. “Your father asked for me to find you, as we have just arrived from London.”

  “There is nothing to forgive, Mr Darcy, I was not paying attention and you caught me unaware.” Darcy’s dimples showed with his smile. Even though she was not aware of her reaction to them, Elizabeth fo
und a great deal of comfort in the way Darcy smiled. She was sure there were very few who had witnessed such a smile, so she took that as an honor.

  “When your father suggested where to find you, I came here. The sight of you, soaking in the sunshine and surrounded by the sparkling light from the snow, I would have sworn you were an angel, and a beautiful angel at that.”

  The heat rose in her cheeks as she accepted his compliment. “How was the trip to Town?” “There is much to discuss, and your father wishes to inform all of you at the same time. Shall I escort you inside?” Darcy offered his arm, and was eagerly accepted.

  ~~ ** ~~ As soon as everyone was gathered together in the drawing room of Longbourn, Mr Bennet began to explain what they had learned from Mr Gardiner, as well as from Bentley’s solicitor.

  “Lizzy, fortunately, Mr Bentley did not change his will after your wedding, and the will that was in place was the one included with the marriage contract. So, as he has no other heirs, you are the recipient of all he left behind. With his investments, bank account, and property, you are now worth approximately eighty thousand pounds. We assumed that you would wish to sell the properties, please tell me if we are wrong on that count.”

  “I wish to have none of his properties. They mean nothing to me.” Elizabeth stated. Her head was spinning with the amount her father said. Eighty thousand…what would she ever do with so much? “Papa, I truly do not wish to have the funds, as I do not feel I deserve them. I cannot remember the man or being married to him.”

  “Nevertheless, the funds belong to you. You are welcome to do as you please with the money and the properties. Though I am your guardian until your next birthday, I will not take the funds from you or tell you what to do with them. This is your decision to do what you wish.”

  “I will need to think on it.” Elizabeth said. This was overwhelming her, and Darcy could sense she was uneasy. He leaned towards her from where he sat on the sofa and took hold of her hand, giving it a light squeeze. She turned her eyes to his, finding a great comfort in their depths.

  “Miss Elizabeth, there is no rush to decide. We only wish to inform you of the options before you. Take all the time you wish to make decisions.” “That is, indeed, a relief. It is such an amazing situation, for I never would have believed I would have such funds at my fingertips.” Elizabeth squeezed Darcy’s hand in a silent thank you. This act was not unnoticed by her family. “Is there any further news to impart?”

  “Indeed, for I have saved the best for last. Mr Darcy has asked to formally court you, Elizabeth. I have given my blessings, with the stipulation that you approve of the courtship.”

  The smile that took hold of Elizabeth’s lips was inspiring. “I do approve of a courtship with Mr Darcy. And I look forward to knowing him better.” Darcy raised their still clasped hands to his lips, placing a tender kiss on the back of her delicate hand. “I am an open book, my dear Miss Elizabeth. Whatever you wish to know, you need only ask.”

  Georgiana was thrilled with the news. “Lizzy, I pray that you will one day be my sister. I have never had a sister and have always wanted one. And William has found the most wonderful woman to be my sister. And then I will have Jane, and Mary, and Kitty, and Lydia as sisters as well. Oh, my, I will have so many sisters.”

  “Georgiana, do not put the cart before the horse. Miss Elizabeth has only agreed to a courtship.” Darcy said as he chuckled. “Oh, William, when she knows you better, she will love you all the more. And then I will have sisters. This is the best day ever.” The girl was positively glowing with joy at the thought.

  Elizabeth was laughing. “Well, will you all excuse William and me to take a walk? It is a pleasant day outside and I mean to enjoy it.” With no objections from anyone, Darcy stood and held out his arm to the woman he loved.

  ~~ ** ~~ The couple was enjoying their walk in the gardens, with Jane and Bingley as their chaperones. The engaged couple was far too consumed with each other to worry about Darcy and Elizabeth behaving.

  When they found themselves at a bench in the garden, Darcy motioned for Elizabeth to take a seat. “I have missed seeing you these past days. I pray you are well.”

  “I am, though it is nicer to have my father and you returned. Everything has been so confusing. Sometimes I do not know what to say to the people who have come calling this week.”

  “Has it been difficult? How many callers have you dealt with?” Darcy asked, concerned for her health. “No more than a dozen; and all were kind, though very curious as to what has happened. No one was rude or anything, they just wanted to know more of my husband and his death, not to mention where Mamma has gone. I chose to tell people that Mamma is visiting her cousin as the lady is ill and in need of assistance. Aunt Phillips agreed that it would be the best route to take. No one outside our family need know what has happened.”

  At first, Darcy was uncertain of her meaning. “Forgive me, Miss Elizabeth, you must long been awaiting my departure.”

  Confused Elizabeth looked at him with a frown. “Why ever would I wish for your departure?”

  “You stated that there was no need for anyone outside your family to know the truth of what happened. I am not a member of your family.” He watched Elizabeth’s cheeks glow red. “I ask for your forgiveness, Mr Darcy. I guess I have become so used to you and Georgiana being nearby that I took it for granted that you are family.”

  This news was precious to Darcy. That she felt so close to him and his sister, he could see their future together being very comfortable. “That pleases me, dearest. I do have a request to make of you.”

  “And that request is what, Mr Darcy?”

  “My request is that when we are not in public or with anyone outside our families, would you call me William, like my family does?”

  Elizabeth paused for a moment. “It seems to me that I have called you by that name before. Did I call you William when I was at your estate?” “Most of the time it was Cousin William, as we kept you hidden by the name Julia Moreland, who was my long lost cousin. Are you remembering anything?”

  “No, not remembering, I am having more of a feeling of contentment.” Elizabeth said with a sigh. “It is a very warm cuddly feeling, such as a soft blanket wrapped around me while I am sitting before a fireplace.”

  “That gives me pleasure to hear such words, Miss Elizabeth. One day, I pray, you will be content as my wife.” “Though I wish more time to know you, William, I do find that you are the very best of men. I find you to have the qualities that I have always wished for in a man. I have always lived by my instincts when it came to first impressions, and I have rarely ever been proven wrong.”

  “And what was your first impression of me?” Darcy’s breath caught in his chest, waiting for the words he hoped he would hear. “My first impressions of you, well, I have to admit that I find you very handsome, with a smile that steals my heart away. Your dimples could make a lady swoon, Mr Darcy.”

  Darcy laughed and smiled, showing his awe inspiring dimples. Elizabeth feigned a swoon. “See what you do to me, Sir? Well, I also thought you to be a generous, caring, compassionate man, who can be shy. You did not think I noticed that, did you? You are also a man who loves with all his heart and gives all that he can to those around him. Not just monetarily, but with yourself. You are not afraid to be in the thick of things and get dirty with your staff, when needed. I respect that quality. My father was the same, before his illness. We were raised to take care of those who worked hard to make our lives better.”

  “Your father and mine would have liked each other a great deal, I believe. It was my father’s thought that it was due to the hard work of the tenants and servants that Pemberley is what it is today. It is wise to treat those people fairly and kindly.”

  “What do you think would be a wise choice to make, with regards to the money? If we do marry, it will become yours to do as you wish.” Elizabeth said.

  “I have already informed your father and uncle that I will not touch whatever yo
u bring into the marriage. The funds that you receive from your widowhood are yours and yours alone. I do not want or need them.” Darcy said. “What is your opinion of a proper way to utilize the funds?”

  “You will think I am silly, but I would like to purchase some land here, in the neighborhood, and place a school or an orphanage there. A place that would help children to have a better life; is what I would like to do.” Elizabeth said nervously. After speaking her mind, she bit her lower lip between her teeth.

  “Miss Elizabeth, I can think of no better way to use the funds. Why not have both? Is there any property in the neighborhood which would support an orphanage as well as a school?”

  “I am not sure; I would have to ask my father. Do you really think that it will be a proper way to use the funds?” Elizabeth’s eyes sparkled for the first time since she returned from her coma.

  “My dearest, I find the idea to be perfect. And, would I be wrong in thinking that you will wish the school to be open for girls as well as boys?” Elizabeth laughed aloud. “Indeed, William, you know me too well.” “Then let us speak to your father of potential locations for your venture.” Darcy stood, pulling Elizabeth to her feet. Before letting go of her hands, he pulled her into his embrace. “You are the most incredible woman I have ever known, Miss Elizabeth. And I am so very proud to be courting you.”

  Before she could utter a word, Elizabeth felt the most incredible pressure upon her lips. She could not remember ever being kissed before, but the sensation was exquisite. Feeling the warmth and comfort in such pleasure, she met his lips with equal passion. Her lips parted at the urging of his tongue, and their passion grew stronger. Exploring and tasting the delights of each other, it was only when the need for air became apparent that they broke apart.